Saturday, December 23, 2006

#22 of 25

Couldn't sleep again, so I decided to do another Celtic Cross and going to give them to the ladies at the church tomorrow.

This little one is done with size 8 Pearl cotton and of course with my needle. I am finding that these crosses are working up for me in about an hour and a half. That includes interuptions with the girls and everything else that pops up.

Think I am ready for bed now.

#20 and 21 of 25

Merry Christmas everyone and hope all have a very happy New Year.
Here are the Celtic Crosses from Rozella Linden's book, that I finished the other day, and just found time to upload them. They are done with the same varagated DMC thread and with the needle. Really enjoying these needles I got. Still playing with my shuttle too, but not sure what the difference is between the Aero and the Bates, which is all I have access to?!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

#19 of 25

This is another 3-D picture ornament I did in varagated blue. I changed the 3rd round on this one and the number of small rings on the first round from the other 2. Sure is amazing how just changing the picot/chain count that it can dramatically change the effect of the project one works on.

I have also done a couple more of the Celtic crosses from Rozella Linden's book Celtic Tatting Knots & Patterns, in this varagated blue.

I will upload those a little later.

Monday, December 18, 2006

#18 of 25

Here is another variation of the 3-D Picture ornament that I did. This one is done in only has 2 rounds. The other one has 3 rounds. This one was needle tatted and I used size 10 crochet cotton.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

#17 of 25

After seeing some 3-D snowflakes, I just had to try to make something with my daughters pictures in it for Christmas. This is what I came up with. My other daughter is on the other side. Will make a great Keepsake ornament.

Just not sure if or how to stiffen it. Never done 3-d before.

This is also done with needle tatting and crochet cotton #10.

#16 of 25

Here is the same candle done in 3 colors.

Just had to have the yellow flame. This is all done in Southmaid Crochet Cotton size 10. As with all the other projects, this is done with the needle. Can you tell that I had to cut half of the bottom off because of a mistake and splice it back together? Hope not.:)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

#15 of 25


This is a candle pattern off of

I worked it up last night when again I had trouble sleeping.

It is done in size 10 Clea Cotton.

I'm doing this one again, but with different colors. I will post it later when I get it done.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Butterfly and Moose

Here is my twist on a couple of patterns.

Instead of just tatting them, I added a wire on the outside round so that I could shape it to look like it is flying. This is Ruth's Celtic Butterfly out of her book. I used crochet cotton with the metalic twist and a varigated for the knots of the wings.

This is my version of Dianna Stevens moose. I used her basic outline, but did it also with wire so I didn't have to stiffen it after. I made this one for my oldest daughter's teacher who is in love with wildlife. Next time, might just use thread and shuttles or needles. Wire can be a pain. Forgot the ears on this poor soul. Maybe he doesn't want them where he's going?

Monday, December 4, 2006

This is the Green Butterfly from Martha Ess' site
Had lots of fun joining the body to the second wing. Just kept joining to the wrong picots.

Picture didn't come through very well though.

Just can't seem to quit making these darling little bookmarks.

I think this makes up to #12 for the 25 motif challenge.
Finally able to upload pictures. Here is the celtic cross I did.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Trying to upload pictures, but beta.blogger will not let me upload them without errors.

I did get the celtic cross done. It worked up really fast and really fun. Used odd colors for me, but I thought it turned out ok. Hope blogger gets things fixed so I can post my pictures.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Celtic Butterfly

Here is a Celtic Knot Butterfly out of
Celtic Tatting Knots & Patterns by Rozella Linden.
I enjoyed doing this butterfly even though those knots didn't alway go the direction I thought they were going. Going to do the Celtic Cross Bookmark next.
This makes #6 in the 25 motif challenge.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Celtic Tatted Wreath

Here is an easy Celtic Tatted Wreath of Rozella Linden's that I did up last night while not able to sleep. Made one mistake, but when I blocked it tried to disguise it. It turned out not too bad. Again I used #30 Cebelia thread with a Needle. This will make number 5 for the 25 motif challenge.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas Wreath

Here is a Christmas Wreath that I did up yesterday. I didn't have any red beads so I used green. The pattern is by Samantha Melnychuk at Domestic Arts Tatted Lace. I did it up using #30 Cebella and I think if I'm going to do much more tatting with beads, I am going to use my shuttle. Putting beads on the thread every time you do a ring get monotonous and the end of my thread was getting tattered with all the re-threading.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Candy Cane

This is a Candy Cane I needle tatted using size 8 pearl cotton. This is a pattern of Julie Patterson's found at

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Here is my second motif that I needle tatted. I used size 8 pearl cotton and just did some rings and chains to get a smoother technique figured out.

I have created this blog so that I can post some of what I am doing. I am also considering joining the 25 motif challenge.
I learned to shuttle tat back in 2000 on my own just because I saw a pattern I just had to do. I just recently started needle tatting this fall.
Here is my first needle tatted motif that I did without a pattern and with regular crochet cotton.